我已經想好要帶的詩歌了,就是「Worth is the Lamb」及
希望以後可以帶像Daddy Sang Bass這種鄉村曲風的詩歌來敬拜神。
01.Gaither Vocal Band 演唱 Daddy Sang Bass。
Daddy Sang Bass 老爸唱低音
I remember when I was a lad 記得當時年記小
Times were hard and things were bad 日子並不輕省容易過
But there's a silver linin' behind ev'ry cloud 然而烏雲總會鑲上銀邊
Just poor people that 's all we were 我們只是貧窮人家
Tryin' to make a livin' out of black-land dirt 嘗試在辛苦日子活出精彩生命
But we'd get together in a family circle singin' loud 我們總是一家高聲歌唱
Daddy sang bass (mama sang tenor) 老爸唱著低音(媽媽唱高音)
Me and little brother would join right in there 我和小弟湊合唱著
Singin' seems to help a troubled soul 歌唱有益受苦心靈
One of these days and it won't be long 雖然不易但卻不久
I'll rejoin them in a song 我將與爸媽再歡唱
I'm gonna join the family circle at the throne 我將加入寶座前面家庭圈子
Though the circle won't be broken 這圈子將不會斷裂
By and by, Lord, by and by 主啊永遠永遠不斷
Daddy sang bass (mama sang tenor) 爸唱低音媽唱高音
Me and little brother would join right in there 我和小弟湊合唱著
In the sky, Lord, in the sky 在那天上就在天上
Now I remember after work mama would call in all of us 我記得當時工作之後媽媽會召喚我們
You could hear us singin' for a country mile 您可以聽到我們的歌聲傳遍鄉野
Now little brother has done gone on 我的弟弟已經長大成人
But I'll rejoin him in a song 然而我會與他再次合唱
We'll be together again up yonder in a little while 不久我們將再重聚
Daddy sang bass (mama sang tenor) 老爸唱著低音(媽媽唱高音)
Me and little brother would join right in there 我和小弟湊合唱著
Singin' seems to help a troubled soul 歌唱有益受苦心靈
One of these days and it won't be long 雖然不易但卻不久
I'll rejoin them in a song 我將與爸媽再歡唱
I'm gonna join the family circle at the throne 我將加入寶座前面家庭圈子
Oh no the circle won't be broken 這圈子將不會斷裂
By and by, Lord, by and by 主啊永遠永遠不斷
Daddy sang bass (mama sang tenor) 爸唱低音媽唱高音
Me and little brother would join right in there 我和小弟湊合唱著
In the sky, Lord, in the sky 在那天上就在天上
In the sky, Lord, in the sky 在那天上就在天上
02.林志美 演唱 愛是不保留
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- Mar 05 Thu 2009 12:25